Is dancing full time the right choice before becoming professional?

Choosing to pursue dance full time before becoming a professional offers several advantages for aspiring dancers.

Here are some reasons why it can be the right choice for you:

  • Intensive training: Dance requires a high level of technical skill, physical fitness, and artistry. By dedicating themselves to full time training, aspiring dancers can immerse themselves in intensive training courses that provide a structured and focused environment. This allows them to develop their technique, strength, flexibility, and artistic expression at an accelerated pace.

  • Time commitment: Dance is a demanding discipline that requires significant time and practice to excel. Pursuing dance full time allows dancers to dedicate themselves fully to their craft, spending more hours in the studio honing their skills, learning from experienced professionals, and refining their technique. The concentrated practice time can lead to faster progress and improvement.

  • Performance opportunities: Full time dance programs often offer numerous performance opportunities, including showcases, video concepts, and collaborations with professional choreographers. These experiences allow dancers to gain valuable stage and screen experience, learn how to adapt to different choreographic styles, and build their performance portfolio.

  • Networking and connections: Being part of a full time dance program exposes dancers to a community of like-minded individuals, including coaches, fellow dancers, and guest teachers. These connections can be instrumental in opening doors to professional opportunities, such as auditions, apprenticeships, and gigs.

  • Discipline and commitment: Pursuing dance full time requires a high level of discipline and commitment. It teaches dancers the importance of perseverance, hard work, and time management skills. These qualities are crucial for success in the professional dance industry, where dedication and persistence are often required to overcome challenges and achieve career goals.

It's important to note that pursuing dance full time is a personal choice and may vary based on individual circumstances. Some dancers may choose to balance dance with other commitments, such as education or part-time work. Ultimately, the decision to pursue dance full-time should align with the dancer's aspirations, goals, and level of passion for the art form.

It’s for this exact reason that we have designed our 2024 HUBPRO Full Time Course with a Full Time or Part Time option. This allows students who wish/need to work or study alongside their training to do so.

Want to learn more about our HUBPRO Course? Head here for a copy of our 2024 Full Time Prospectus, or request a free Career Pathway meeting with our HUBPAC Directors.


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Empowering boys through dance